004: What The Best Cities Do Right


Jon and Ben discuss some of the best cities on earth and what they get right. They look at what these cities have in common and the importance of green space and street life.  They then describe what an ideal city might look like if we built it from scratch today.

Listen to this Episode and Learn:

  • Which cities we rate highly

  • The most important aspects of cities

  • What an ideal city could look like

Mentioned in the Episode:

Cities: (population)

Paris (2.2 million)

Amsterdam (800k)

Munich (1.5 million)

Singapore (5.6 million)

New York (8.5 million)

Tokyo (13 million)

San Francisco (860k)

Jerusalem (800k)

Rabat (570k)

Shuks - small markets

Bus Rapid Transit

Road Diets


Bike sharing

Zipcar - car sharing

OFO Bike
